Graphic Design and Brand Development for Pharmaceutical Firm APM
Graphic Design and Brand Development for Pharmaceutical Firm APM
- Branding
As a privately held pharmaceutical firm located in Alabama and Montreal, APM wanted a sub brand created that showed movement & separation as well as units working together. They wanted a careful study of their current Aptalis logo in and then a re-imagining of that brand using the well known brand colors (blues & oranges). With a solid starting point firmly in place we started our research and concept development immediately.
The APM branding was the first crucial step including logo development, stationery, and a chart style to be used company wide. All of these pieces needed to compliment each other and tie into the original Aptalis brand in a unique way that maintained separation of the entities.
The final result was a simple, clean, and effective brand that is both professional and holds up to the quality of the products they create. The style guide we presented looked at the current direction and future plans of the brand to help shape a corporation redefining itself. The client was able to use this expansive guide to create a wide range of materials used to elevate the company in it's new direction.