Earl Carlson

Changing the Default Text Selection Colors in Modern Browsers

Changing the Default Text Selection Colors in Modern Browsers

Jul 3, 2012

If you are using a modern browser, you may have noticed when you select text on our website that it has a yellow background instead of the standard blue selection.  This is a simple change that you can make to your website today to add a small bit of flair.

At the time of this writing, text selection is supported in the latest versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer (whoa?!)

		/* webkit, Opera, IE9 */
		::section {
			background: purple;
			color: white;
		/* Mozilla Firefox */
		::-moz-selection {
			background: purple;
			color: white;

This sentence will be highlighted in red

This sentence will be highlighted in green

This sentence will be highlighted in purple

This sentence will inverted
